However, due to the large number of people interested in signing up for the service, you won't get immediate access. You'll need to provide your name, email address, phone number, preferred chat network, and country. Registering for Beeper is a relatively straightforward process. You won't find all the services on this platform, but it works great with the ones it supports. IMessage users will be happy to know that Beeper has done the seemingly impossible-getting the service to work with iMessage on Android and Windows, so you can have an all-in-one messenger for PC. Beeper is a message aggregator that currently supports 15 chat networks, including WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Slack, Android Messages, and Telegram. Visit it, grant access, copy the code on that page, and paste it in the terminal.The newest all-in-one messaging platform on the block, Beeper, allows you to easily access some of your favorite chat apps from its platform. In the terminal, it’ll ask you to visit an authentication URL.

Go to the Credentials tab and click Create Credentials -> OAuth Client ID.Go to the OAuth Consent tab, fill it, and save.Use the Constants description section below for reference. Now replace the placeholder values in this file with your values.There is currently no limit for the number of concurrent uploads. Note that this does not affect the number of concurrent uploads. MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS is the number of download jobs that can be active at the same time.Set this to whatever you want, and save the file with ctrl + x.